FEMP and Industry sign an agreement to promote quality tourism destinations

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and Secretary of State for Tourism, Joan Mesquida, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote quality tourism destination.

The aim of the agreement is that the maximum number of municipalities to join the Integrated Quality System Tourist Destinations (SICTED), which manages the State Secretariat of Tourism. Turespaña provide 150,000 euros to the FEMP to coordinate all actions related to policy development and implementation of quality tourism destinations.
Both the Secretary of State for Tourism as the FEMP betting on the momentum of quality tourist destinations and intend to extend this quality system to a larger number of municipalities may enter this Quality System all those companies that wish, whether or not the tourism sector, with the ultimate goal of making the entire offer is a quality destination.
Actions planned
The FEMP will take the following actions:
· Assist destinations and the technicians responsible for the development of quality projects and oversee the selection and adherence to project destinations.
• Support voluntary implementation of the Spanish tourism companies Methodology and Best Practices manuals of the quality system.
· Training measures to those involved in implementing the system in tourist destinations.
· Spreading the quality system in municipalities, provinces and other destinations.
* Support and technical support office comprehensive quality system.
· Implementation and distinctive distribution of various certifying the completion of the implementation of the methodology of comprehensive quality system, under the common brand "Tourist Quality Commitment.