18 municipalities and two provincial awards for their projects to preserve biodiversity

18 municipalities and two county councils have received today at the FEMP recognized for her work in preserving and increasing biodiversity in their respective territories Spain. Among them, the first awards for the amount of the endowment, under the municipalities of Mataró, Zaragoza, Campo de Caso (Asturias) and Santander.

The Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar, presided over the awards ceremony of the Third Project Competition for Increasing Biodiversity, along with the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and President of the Local Governments Network of Biodiversity and the Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara, Maria Antonia Pérez León.
The contest is sponsored by the FEMP and the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs in order to promote the initiatives of local bodies belonging to the Network of Local Governments that increase biodiversity and protect biodiversity and at the same time, promote environmental awareness and education in the municipalities.
The total amount allocated to the winning projects is one million euros and the amount of the prize is one hundred percent of the financing of selected projects.
The winners
Mataró City Council was the winner of Category 1, worth 150,000 euros, for a proposed increase of biodiversity in Forest Park in the municipality.
In Category 2, the City of Zaragoza has won the award for the project to improve the nesting habitat of lesser kestrel, amounting to 100,000 euros.
In the 3rd category, the winners were Councils Case (Asturias) and Santander. The first, for the recovery and maintenance of an area of ​​town called Las Majadas, betting thus the sustainability of the municipality. For its part, the City of Santander introduced a draft environmental restoration and creation of a Cantabrian oak in a degraded coastal area of ​​the municipality. The amount of both projects is 75,000 euros each.
The rest of the winning projects were:
In the 4 th category, and for an amount of EUR 50,000 each:
• The Provincial Council with a project of afforestation of urban banks in the province.
• The City of Astillero (Cantabria), for the proposed increase in biodiversity in the Areas of Natural Areas Network of the municipality.
• In Calamocha (Teruel) are developing a program for increasing biodiversity in the river Jiloca passing through the town.
• The Municipality of Fuenlabrada (Madrid), the introduction of insectivorous birds in urban parks and the Park Olivar del Pinar.
• The City of Leon, their itineraries preserve biodiversity in the school.
• The Real Sitio de San Ildefonso (Segovia) for the proposed installation of two native plant nurseries in schools.
Other Local Authorities have received "Honourable Mention Award valued at 45,000 euros:
· Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara), with the creation of an island bird sanctuary city for increasing the biodiversity of species waders.
· Donostia-San Sebastian, on the development of measures for increasing biodiversity in the Parque de Cristina Enea.
· Lagunilla (Salamanca), with the implementation of actions for the conservation of biodiversity and landscape units related to the chestnut.
• The City of Murcia, on the development of maintenance actions in municipal properties in an area of ​​special protection for birds.
In the 5 th category, four municipalities will receive the award worth 25,000 euros:
· Bullas (Murcia), for the promotion of agro-tourism and joint management of protected areas through the reintroduction of the vulture and the recovery of populations of arbutus unedo in the mountains of the municipality.
· Enguídanos (Cuenca), by promoting and springs as a haven of biodiversity.
· Granollers (Barcelona), the project of naturalization and creation of habitats in the river Congost.
· Torrejón del Rey (Guadalajara), the project entitled "Preserve to educate."
Finally, the winning projects in Category 6 th, with an amount of 10,000 euros, corresponding to the Provincial de Guadalajara, for bringing biodiversity into the school, and the City of Miajadas (Cáceres), for the cultivation of drought tolerant and grasses ornamental landscaping with low maintenance.
Following the Awards Ceremony, held the signing of individual agreements with each of the entities awarded, with the presence of Isaura Leal, Secretary General of the FEMP.