The rent and rehabilitation focus the priorities of the 2012 Housing

The Government will consider priority aids and rehabilitation of rental properties in the Housing and Rehabilitation Plan for 2009-2012, according to the adjustment made by the Minister of Housing, Beatriz Corredor, the Housing Sector Conference, held earlier today, which was attended by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro.

The Minister announced that these measures are included in the budget adjustment announced by the Government to reduce the public deficit and indicated the need for pragmatic and prioritize investment in the future to ensure effective public housing policy.
The adjustments involve cuts will be spread over this year and the next two, and by 2010 to eliminate the performance reserve for communities that exceed agreed targets with the Ministry, as well as compensation for payment of new aid funds transferred the Autonomous Communities and whose fate has not been justified.
With respect to 2011 and 2012, will not renew the grant for one-stop shops is deleted for promoters for the development or acquisition of land and be reduced to 40% of the promotion of social housing for rent.
In addition, the Ministry will consider replacing the Direct Aid to Entry (SAFE), the possibility of allowing the expansion of the mortgage to 90% of the value of subsidized housing, which, according Corridor "reduces the need for savings to meet the entrance fee to a protected housing. "
According the minister, all these actions amounted in 2009 at a cost of more than 500 million euros.
He also assured that these measures must necessarily apply to the management of the Housing Plan, while recalling that fall under the Government's strategy to achieve by 2020 a ratio of 20% of rental housing and a weight of 35% rehabilitation of the residential sector.
He also noted that the Ministry will continue filling their policies according to their availability and meet budget targets set for 2010, adding that regional housing policies should not be contingent on whether or not state funding.

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