La Mesa del Toro moves to the FEMP their proposed collaboration

The representatives of the Mesa del Toro met with Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, to provide you with the proposal as a basis for future development cooperation framework agreement between both entities

Collaboration between FEMP and the Mesa del Toro was agreed at a previous meeting that representatives from the world of bullfighting had with the President of the Federation, Pedro Castro, last October.
The terms of the definitive agreement will be debated soon in the bodies of the FEMP, starting from the initial proposal submitted by the Bureau of Toro, which are added to input from representatives of Local Governments.
At the meeting have gone Eduardo Martín-Peñate, Managing Director of the Bureau of Toro, Enrique Garza y Mar Gutierrez, bullfighting business representatives, Fernando Galindo, representative of banderilleros and picks, Pablo Lozano, Protauni (Toreros), Juan Jose Rueda, Union Lidia Bulls Breeders, and Emilio Jimenez, General Counsel of the Bureau of Toro.