The FEMP supports the motion laws of Congress on funding and Local Government

The FEMP Executive Committee, meeting today in Madrid, has endorsed the content of the motion adopted by the Congress of Deputies, on 14 April, urging the Government to report to Parliament before the end of the current session, the Draft Basic Law of Government and Local Government, together with the new Law on Local Financing.

Mayors and Mayors that make up the highest governing body of the Federation want both laws may be applied from January 2011, and they have shown their support for the text of the motion of the House, which coincides with FEMP's position that it had expressed earlier.

It will be recalled, the motion was passed by Congress with the support of the vast majority of the parliamentary groups in their addresses the need for urgent reform of both laws to ensure Local Government's ability to adequately provide citizens, the parliamentary groups also supported the role of FEMP as a partner when both consensus and promote parliamentary initiatives.

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, said in a press conference that the agreement adopted by all political groups that make up the Executive Committee chairman, strengthens the position of the Federation with a view to negotiating with the government and enables the achievement the objectives of Spanish Local Governments. "What happened today at a meeting of the Executive is the best guarantee and FEMP shows that always works on consensus," he said.

Platform for housing rehabilitation

The FEMP Executive has also adopted an agreement to integrate into the new social platform that encourages the Government to promote housing rehabilitation and will have as main activity the creation of a network of offices technical assistance to citizens. This initiative was approved at the last Council of Ministers and will be supported by the Ministry of Housing.
The FEMP transferred to the Government of its intention to participate in this platform and at the same time, request that funds intended for the Rehabilitation Plan go directly to the municipalities.
To study and analyze the details of the implementation of these agreements, the FEMP Executive Committee will hold a monograph, in which the Minister of Housing, Beatriz Corredor, will be invited to participate.
@ Redtrabaj terminals at Municipalities
In addition, the Executive Committee has approved the proposed criteria for the installation of self-reporting terminals of Redtrabaj @ in a total of 50 municipalities with a population over 50,000. This website, powered by the Public Employment Service (SPEE), offers a range of services to citizens and businesses to expedite and facilitate the creation and job search, and other benefits of information and access to procedures administrative.
For installation of the terminals, the local governments concerned should sign the relevant protocols of accession to the collaboration agreement between the FEMP and SPEE, and satisfy certain requirements, such as management structures have jobs, have adequate space, safe and easy access, and activate an ADSL line with a minimum of 1Mbps for connection and data transmission.
Sustainable Economy Act
On the other hand, in relation to the Draft Law of Sustainable Economy, proposes a new regulation of the notification of cadastral values that is offered to the public to receive notifications cadastral by computer, thereby reducing costs and improvements in processing procedures for cadastral changes.

Also, regarding Proposition of Law 34/2004 laying down measures to combat late payment in commercial transactions, the FEMP maintains its position elimination article that included the creation of a register of bills in Administrations Local and requests that in any event, the record does not enter into force until 2013.
The Executive Committee has given its approval to the contents of six new agreements, including the two that will be signed with the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine, one of them to carry out awareness campaigns and prevention of Climate Change and the other to act in the preservation of biodiversity. Both conventions will be addressed respective Spanish Network of Cities for Climate and Local Government Network + Biodiversity 2010.
Also expected to sign another agreement with the Ministry of Equality which will allow the channeling of a grant for FEMP to endow local entities of tools and criteria to implement policies against discrimination against persons on grounds of gender , race, disability, age, religion or sexual orientation.
The FEMP will also work with the Directorate General of Immigration in the actions of coordination and integration of socio-season migratory flows that occur during this year and which provide, among other things, advice, support and performance criteria to local corporations and labor organizations affected by these migratory flows, such as the development of municipal housing inventory.
In the field of civil protection ANEPPCE work with the Association of Specialists in emergencies, in order to encourage the participation of citizens in preventive work and self-protection. It will promote with Mercasa, the company Supply Central Markets, Trade at the municipal level, especially with performances in the retail markets, promoting consumer habits and retail market integration in the urban environment.
Municipal wireless
The FEMP Executive Committee has been informed of the preliminary draft of the CMT circular setting out the conditions under which the government may provide electronic communications services and, inter alia, provides that municipalities can provide free wireless services provided that exclude coverage in residential buildings and a maximum speed of 256 Kbps
The resolution notes that municipalities can provide for an unlimited period and free of charge on Internet access service limited to their websites and general service Internet access in libraries and educational activities and cultural or educational.
Maria Antonia Perez, new President of the Biodiversity Network
The President of the Diputación de Guadalajara, Maria Antonia Perez Leon, has been appointed new President of the Local Government Network + Biodiversity FEMP 2010. He replaces as the President of the Diputación de Jaén, Felipe Lopez, who has been at the forefront of this network since its establishment in 2007, and now will both offices to perform the duties of Delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía Jaén.

The new President of the Network will be leading an organization that in just three years and includes 214 local entities, including municipalities and County, with a total population of more than 21 million people.


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