GOBLOnet revolutionizes the way to work in Spanish Local Government

During the first month since its launch, GOBLOnet, the network of local governments driven by FEMP, has received 20 550 visits, 176 522 pages have been visited and more than 3,000 people have registered a profile on this social network of Governments Local. This is evidenced by the analysis performed by the FEMP, which also draws the attention of visitors come from nearly a hundred countries around the world.

The initiative is assuming a change of concept in the form of work of thousands of elected officials and local expertise, participation and collaboration easier GOBLOnet group is enabling the application of uniform standards and share experiences quickly and efficiently allowing that the success stories of some municipalities are put in place by others.

With regard to user profiles, over 65% of them are for municipal technicians in all areas, almost 15% are local elected officials, Mayors, Councillors and provincial politicians and island-, 10% is included under the category general "citizens", which includes a number of experts and analysts from universities and institutions and stakeholders in the Local Administration, the rest are technicians of Federations and municipal associations, and sections included in the generic category "other" .

The resources of this network are especially suitable for team work and also to save time and avoid trips, two particularities especially valued when the economic austerity imposed on institutions.

GOBLOnet is and the support that has enabled the creation of 125 groups working in that municipal and provincial technical experts in issues related to Local Government set up frameworks for discussion, discussion and exchange of experiences on specific topics. Some of them do work together in preparing documents. This virtual workspace enables faster responses, provides the simultaneous participation of multiple users, saving time, no travel required and increases the effectiveness of the activity.

The entire network foregoing the possibility of video conferencing, a utility that is not present in general social networks.

The current ability to upload documents of interest to the network-in GOBLOnet has already built more than 300 documents, "will soon be completed with greater ease for users to incorporate photographs and videos from their own computers, in addition, the availability of GOBLOnet in Castilian, English and French-and German-soon come to open an even broader spectrum of potential users of the network.

Spanish, European and Latin American

Analysis by the FEMP show that a majority Spanish territory as a source of users are concerned. As for foreigners, 20% of users are from European countries and the rest of Latin America, has among its users GOBLOnet nationals of fourteen Latin American countries, and U.S..

GOBLOnet has incorporated also a street that provides the location of attractions in different cities and soon will add the ability to cast votes with electronic ID and manage enrollment in courses and seminars.