The FEMP calls to incorporate the idea of equality to local strategies against crisis

The FEMP has issued a statement on the occasion of the commemoration, the 8th of this month, the International Women's Day, which claims that equality between women and men is taken into account by local governments in addressing the answers to the economic crisis and boost growth and jobs in the coming years.

The Declaration, which has been directed to local governments for approval, if they deem the occasion of the commemorative day, moreover encourages municipalities to celebrate the International Women's Day with rallies and demonstrations that display their commitment and that of all citizens to secure "the challenge of building and guarantee that women and men to enjoy a diverse society, inclusive, and inclusive.

As indicated in the text, approved by the Executive Committee at its regular meeting held in Barcelona, the celebration of International Women's Day 2010 is marked by a crisis that affects both national and international stage as the very local to all of them, response strategies are working, "Whatever those answers, nobody doubts that it will be necessary to incorporate all equality between men and women as a prerequisite for sustainable growth, employment, innovation, competitiveness and social cohesion ".

The FEMP reiterated in the Declaration of Local Governments commitment "to continue working on a more egalitarian, just and democratic" and urged local governments to "keep their political agendas on the priority of gender equality, strengthening efforts by identifying and addressing barriers to prevent or limit the equal participation of women and men in local areas of responsibility, particularly political and economic decisions and to generate knowledge, contributing to the construction of more humane. "

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