Manuel Chaves received at the FEMP award UN-HABITAT by the Local Investment Fund 2009

The Third Deputy Prime Minister, Manuel Chaves, has received the special distinction FEMP Awards 2010 honor of Habitat Settlements Programme United Nations. The award recognizes those initiatives that have contributed to improving the quality of urban life and sustainable development of cities.

The Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration wanted to share the prize with all Local Governments, and the ceremony outside the headquarters of the FEMP in recognition of the work done by the Federation in the implementation of FEIL 2009 in all municipalities Spanish. Manuel Chaves has received the award from the Director of UN-Habitat, Joan Clos.
This is the most prestigious international award in his field, which recognizes the value of this initiative of the Government of Spain, endowed with 8,000 million euros, and has involved the largest mobilization of public resources for Spanish democracy for governments Local. The FEIL 2009 has funded a total of 30,700 projects implemented by the municipalities and generated over 420,000 jobs.
The Third Vice-President thanked the Special Mention Award of Honor awarded by the UN and pointed out that the FEIL has been an initiative of the Government of Spain "to improve life in our towns and cities has allowed to build over 1,400 new educational and cultural centers, more than 140 primary schools, more than 1,000 infrastructure facilities of basic services, including water sanitation and waste recycling, has been the rehabilitation of public spaces, removal of architectural barriers, improvement of natural spaces historic heritage conservation.
Chaves said that the success of the FEIL, 2009, now rewarded, allowed the State Fund for Employment and Sustainability 2010, which ordered 5,000 million investment: "In two years we have managed over 61,000 projects amounting to 13,000 million euros, which have made possible a genuine transformation of our cities and our towns. "
The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, Manuel Chaves thanked on behalf of the 8,116 municipalities confidence in local governments and their responsibility and capacity as a dynamic social and economic. He highlighted the contribution "unquestionable" the resources of this fund to create employment, stimulating the economy and improving the quality of life in Spanish cities and towns.
The Mayor of Getafe was extended to all Mayors and municipal government teams recognition for his contribution to the success of the Fund and, above all, "for their professionalism, commitment and sense of responsibility."


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