The FEMP recommends flexibility in the requirements for the installation of terraces in the street

The FEMP recommend to local councils to review their ordinances to allow for further development of the activity of terraces of bars and restaurants on the street. In particular, he advises that relaxed the requirements for its establishment in regard to the periods of time, space, patterns of occupation and standards on furniture and other items. The FEMP Executive Committee also approved at the meeting in Vitoria, amendments to the Draft Regulations of the Immigration Act.

The resolution on terraces and watchmen, passed with the support of all political groups, said that also takes into account the administrative, seeking simplification and assessing the possibility of incorporating new monitoring mechanisms provided for in Law 17/2009, 23 November, on free access to activities and exercising.
In the text of the proposal, the FEMP argues that the economic crisis and, above all, entry into force of the "Anti-Tobacco Law" has focused attention on the terraces as an alternative to alleviate the economic situation of the hotel and catering industry and some municipalities have already begun taking steps to address this new reality, facilitating administrative procedures and promoting economic activity in their municipality.
However, it also warns that the purpose of municipal ordinances should be to reconcile the development of economic activity with the right of all citizens to enjoy and transit road users and the right to leisure of citizens the right to rest of the neighbors of the environment and the enjoyment of an adequate environment.
Mortgage regulations
The FEMP asked the Government and the parliamentary groups to analyze the regulatory changes necessary to ensure that the legal process of foreclosure can be solved with the delivery of the property and, thus, the debt is repaid in full.
With this initiative, adopted in a resolution adopted unanimously by the Executive shows the support of Local Spanish people and families from the current crisis facing the loss of their homes after foreclosure .
The FEMP believes that the municipal level should be involved in finding solutions to this situation, it is the government closest to the daily and immediate problems of the people and the first to attending those neighbors in times of need. Therefore, requests to amend the current legislation and refers to the decision of the Audiencia Provincial de Navarra, 17 December, he admitted handing over the keys of a flat to pay off the debt.
Immigration Rules
The Executive Committee also gave approval to the proposed amendments to the Draft Regulation of the Law on Foreigners, whose content was passed to the President of the FEMP at a recent meeting with Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration, Anna Terron. The draft text is now in a period of public information and input and arguments presented will be studied within the Sector Conference scheduled for today, February 22 at the Ministry of Labour.
Local expenditure on employment policies
Local governments in 2009 spent a total of 572.5 million euros, 0.8% of their budgets, active employment policies, although the total municipal expenditure that year was one point lower than the year 2008 as employment skills do not correspond to the Local Administration.
The implementation of Active Employment Policies (SAPs) has expanded and strengthened significantly between local governments with more than 500 people, according to a report by the FEMP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Immigration, to know the participation local measures designed to improve the functioning of the labor market.
According to the report, which the Executive is aware of the FEMP, 83% of the municipalities of more than 500 people have steady employment services and 90% performed some form of spending on these policies.
These figures, as "the study" a very considerable effort, given that it is a jurisdictional area which shall belong to other authorities, ie that the expenditure is not compulsory for Local Authorities " . Similarly, stresses that this effort even more important since starting in 2008, the crisis of the building has an increasing negative impact on municipal coffers.
The study shows also that between 2008 and 2009 all Local Authorities in 2009 a resource managed close to 1,900 million euros, together with contributions from other authorities for this purpose, including the municipalities administered by 84% , the Governments of almost 15% and the Island Councils about 2%.
Agreement with the Tax Office
In addition, the FEMP and the Tax signed soon a collaboration agreement for the collection of local taxes. The agreement will encourage, among other things, that the Agency should also collection management executive of public law remedies of a tax nature of an amount not less than 60 euros, and public law remedies are not tax more than 1,500 euros.
By signing this agreement, the councils can send to the tax debts of constraint on the stage had been undertaken actions aimed at recovery, which was not previously. Local authorities may continue to use their collection services and only when they had exhausted their resources or had to perform actions outside its municipal district may send a list of debts to the Tax Office for collection. The agreement also introduces the novelty of enabling the tax take over the debts of public law, not from taxes.
Other conventions
The Executive Committee gave its approval to the content of other conventions, like the one signed with the IDEA for the promotion of electric vehicles in Spanish municipalities, with the National Confederation of Neighborhood Associations (CEAV), with the Institute for Youth the development of actions at the local level, with the Sports Council and with the National Association of Civil Defence Volunteers (ANAV).

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