GOBLOnet, receives nearly 10,000 visits in its first week of operation

A total of 9896 visitors from more than 6,300 different users, are those that have occurred in the first week since the launch of GOBLOnet, the social network created by the FEMP and conceived as a working tool, with the aim of establishing a permanent communication channel for local officials and people interested in the environment of the Local Administration.

Although these views are held mostly Spanish users, has also seen a remarkable number of visitors from Brazil, México, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Venezuela, as well as European Union countries and, interestingly, in Thailand. 
Of all visitors, 1937 and have become registered users, and have their own profile GOBLOnet, Mayors, councilors and the profiles are more numerous in the network, the Spanish municipalities are, in turn, the source more common, although some users in other countries of Europe and America. 
Throughout this first week, users have begun to raise and to propose lines of common interest content. The result of all this, is the creation of 78 working groups in which participants are opening debate or providing documents for analysis. The exchange of information and experience between elected officials and local expertise, access to the successful initiatives undertaken by a municipality anywhere in the world and work in groups without displacement, are some of the possibilities offered GOBLOnet and users begin to use the most. 