The FEMP, with the victims of terrorism, on Sunday June 27

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has called on all Spanish Local Governments to join the tribute to the victims of terrorism this Sunday, June 27, with symbolic acts or statements in each of the municipalities, County , Councils and Island Councils.

Thus, the FEMP is in addition to Day Tribute to Victims of Terrorism, held this year for the first time, at the initiative of associations and groups concerned and that was endorsed by the Congress of Deputies, on 11 March, with the support of all parliamentary groups. The House will stage this Sunday in a ceremony which will pay tribute to all victims.
June 27 50 years ago an ETA attack caused the death of Begoña Urroz Ibarrola, a girl of 22 months, in Amara station, San Sebastián. This was the first assassination of the terrorist group, at a date that has been recorded for history and it will be remembered from now on, every year, as the day to honor each and every one of the casualties caused by the terrorism in our country.
Pedro Castro recalled, on the eve of this Day of Tribute, people who have suffered the consequences of terrorist brutality and especially local representatives fallen during the past 50 years. It has also reaffirmed the commitment of Spanish Local Governments in the fight against terrorism and support of the institution that presides over all victims and their relatives.