The GEA keep the amounts of funds to the provincial plans and small municipalities

The 2011 State Budget will maintain the level, in terms similar to the 2010 budget of provincial plans of works and services and special fund for municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, as announced by the Secretary of State for Territorial Cooperation , Gaspar Zarrías in the opening ceremony of the First Congress of Small Towns to be held in Toledo, organized by the FEMP.

In his speech reiterated the Government's commitment to introduce the new Local Government Act in this parliamentary session and also the aim of giving local councils a fair and adequate funding, although in this case has stated that before, "he priority is to solve the deficit problem. "
Gaspar Zarrías has addressed the 500 attending the Congress, thanking the effort made by local councils in the past two years to help contain the public deficit, which has enabled the Government took the initiative to change conditions of long-term debt of local entities next year.
The Secretary of State has intervened with the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, the First Congress of Small Towns to be held in Toledo, organized by the Federation, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, the Diputación de Toledo and the Federation of Municipalities of Castile-La Mancha, and support from the EU EAFRD.
Pedro Castro, meanwhile, has referred to "strong support" of the FEMP to small municipalities, whose future will necessarily achieve demographic stability and being able to offer equal living conditions for people living in them.
FEMP The President recalled that the smaller municipalities are those that guarantee the conservation of natural heritage in the country and the need to implement sectoral policies that favor the maintenance of rural population. To this end, he said, is to ensure the improvement of living conditions of its inhabitants, through the development of structures and production capacities, services, infrastructure and environmental values. This said, it is imperative that the State and the Autonomous Communities to maintain the investment effort to help reduce regional imbalances.
Pedro Castro also referred to modification of the prohibition on borrowing for municipalities in 2011, a measure which, he said, who else is going to benefit small towns. Then, positively assessed the announcement of maintaining the Fund for municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants in PGE, and expressed his conviction that the role of these municipalities is essential to economic recovery and sustainable development of our country .
The voice of small municipalities
The smaller Spanish towns in Toledo discuss their current status and future employment policies that can be performed in its territory, the management of the services or the participation of women in local government.
The Sustainable Rural Development Act will also have a hole high on the agenda of Congress, with the intervention of the Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa. The program also includes a specific debate on the role of County Councils, the Councils and Island Councils, and the associations of municipalities, and a panel discussion with representatives of the main parties of the FEMP.

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