The settlement councils must submit their budgets before September 30

The municipalities have until September 30 to meet its obligation to report the settlement of their budgets and, thus, prevent them applying the withholding tax on PIE, under Article 36 of the Law of Sustainable Economy. This measure has been sent to the municipalities affected by a letter from the Directorate General of Financial Coordination with Local Entities.


In the letter, which has also been referred to the FEMP for information, the Directorate General of the Ministry of Finance informed the municipalities that have not complied with the obligation to present the status of your bills on time, which can do so during the month of September and that in any case, the communication at any time after the said information will allow the payment of the total amount held in the month following the recording, as required elsewhere in the Act itself Sustainable Economy.
The FEMP had approached the Ministry of Economy and Finance to take into account the cases of those councils that have adequately justified their delay in sending information and, in general, to be more flexible when addressing the allegations.
The Directorate General of Financial Coordination with Local Entities has sent another letter to all the Presidents of the Provincial Councils to reiterate that provide assistance to municipalities of the province so they can meet the obligations specified retention and avoid any participation in the State taxes due to them.
The fulfillment of the obligation must be made through the Virtual Office of Financial Coordination with Local Entities www.eell.meh.es