Interior proposes the limit of 30 miles per hour on urban roads

The speed limit on urban roads in the inner city may not exceed 30 miles per hour, as announced by the Director General de Tráfico, Pere Navarro, on the first day of the meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety that takes place in Córdoba organized by the DGT and FEMP.

The measure, agreed with the FEMP, shall apply to the single-lane roads or single lane in each direction and will enter into force with the amendment of Rules of the road. This initiative aims to reduce by half the assaults on pedestrians in the cities, which in 2009 cost the lives of 268 people, 46% of fatalities in accidents in urban areas, according to Pere Navarro, who has also argued it is "calm and pacify" the traffic of cities and is facing the pedestrian and also to air pollution.
More than 500 municipal representatives, experts and authorities relating to traffic and road safety debate in the Forum of Cordova, with the aim to disseminate, promote and develop good practice in urban road safety through the exchange of experiences between the different sectors involved locally.
At the opening was attended by the Deputy Minister of Interior, Justo Zambrana, Mayor of Córdoba, Andrés Ocaña, representing the President of the FEMP, and Director of the DGT, Pere Navarro. Also take part in one of the workshops the Chairman of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the FEMP and Mayor of Puertollano, Joaquin Fair.
In the working sessions will share the good practices of local councils to improve road safety in urban areas. Among others present experiences of more than 20 municipalities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, Cordoba, San Sebastian, Malaga, Vitoria, Valladolid, Avila, Pontevedra.
Also planned is the presentation of the award for best urban practice in road safety and reading, at the end of the meeting of the Charter of Cordoba, with the conclusions of the working groups and objectives for safe mobility in cities.