Pedro Castro thanked the Mayors its effort in 2010 to maintain basic social services

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, said to be proud of Mayors Spanish because they have been able to overcome the economic difficulties being faced by the municipalities, but this has been a decline in basic social services provided to citizens. With these statements, made at the end of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation which closed 2010, wanted to thank the efforts of the aldermen, "in a particularly difficult year for municipalities."

Similarly, said he hopes the Government will report soon to the FEMP for the content of the new Local Government Act because, as said, "we want to discuss this document before it is approved by the Council of Ministers." To do so, expressed his intention to invite the Third Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land Policy, Manuel Chaves, to go to the headquarters of the Federation to explain the details of the draft.
The FEMP Executive Committee at its last meeting of the year, has approved the contents of several cooperation agreements, mainly in the field of development cooperation, and a statement to mark the International Day of Migrants, held Saturday, 18 December.
The FEMP signed with the Institute for Women has a collaboration agreement for the implementation of programs and activities on gender equality, among other actions, provides for the establishment of a laboratory experience for the development of active employment policies for women.
In addition to this agreement, the FEMP sign another agreement with the Secretary of State for International Cooperation in order to continue the joint activities of both entities and, in particular, regulate the implementation of the Biennial Operating Plan 2011 - 2012, in which is included MUNICIPIA Program.
Also in cooperation, FEMP will work with the American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations of Local Governments (FLACMA) to facilitate the development of Haiti through the strengthening of the municipal structure of this country, through training of elected and technicians.
Similarly, other agreements with the Federation of Municipal Associations of Bolivia (FAM - Bolivia) and the Paraguayan Organization of Intermunicipal Cooperation (OPACI) facilitate the conduct of proceedings in these countries, under the Municipalities Program.
Local Government Integration
To mark the International Day of Migrants, on December 18, FEMP has approved a statement calling on local councils, provincial councils and Island Councils, to reinforce all actions that are already developing a for integration and social cohesion.
With a commitment to continue working against all forms of discrimination, FEMP calls for municipalities to intensify advocacy especially on issues of gender, citizenship, young, living neighborhood and use of public spaces. It also demonstrates "the responsibility of everyone" to continue working in the search for formulas that lead to a "true integration plural diversity, ensuring maximum coexistence and social cohesion in the host society.
Red card abuser
After the meeting, members of the Executive Committee of the FEMP posed for taking out the red card abuser, thus joining the government-led campaign against gender violence.