Local Government designed the roadmap of the European municipal

The conclusions of the Barcelona Summit have been shaped in the Barcelona Agenda, a political document which contains recommendations and proposals and is a true "road map" for European municipal in the near future. This document is intended to be taken into consideration by the European Union and its Member States, in the new scenario that represents the Lisbon Treaty.

The Agenda calls to cities as key drivers of economic development and innovation, "adding that it is these that concentrate jobs, businesses, institutions of higher education and research, services and social and cultural networks, necessary for the quality of life and social cohesion. "
Innovation in European policy matters, the text underlines that Europe needs to "reinvent" and in the process, local actors have to play an irreplaceable role: that of legitimacy, effectiveness and visibility of the EU operation, which will be guaranteed if the Entities Local act as true partners, not as mere intermediaries.
As regards the chapter of growth and sustainability, points out that Europe must move forward in knowledge economy based on sustainable development, invest in securities linked to the ecological challenge and to enhance the competitiveness of society in all these endeavors, the work City is also irreplaceable, and the cities are the places where it has to specify a model of growth more respectful of environmental issues and social cohesion.
Finally, governance and active citizenship, the text states that the new governance points to the coordination between political and social actors, and horizontal cooperation: in this framework, the local level offers Europe a "testing ground to test new knowledge and cooperative forms articulate innovative leadership. " Agenda commitment to cooperation networks, to the extent that enhance the capacity of Local Governments.
The text ends with a maximum in stating that "In the twenty-first century Europe, the Lisbon Treaty, the values of democracy are highly dependent on which Europe is capable of shaping a better local governance to optimize service delivery, territorial planning and public participation. "

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