FEMP government and signed an agreement to reduce administrative burdens on local

The Third Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, Manuel Chaves, and the President of the Federation FEMP, Pedro Castro, today signed a collaboration agreement to reduce administrative burdens in the field of local entities. The aim is to advance the elimination of red tape in all government and to achieve a reduction of 30% by the end of 2012.

The agreement, which continues to signed in February 2009, pays special attention to the simplification of procedures in areas such as industrial development companies, permits and business licenses and six procedures within the local area can be considered greater impact on the annual volume of procedures or by the affected population.
These measures also facilitate citizens' daily relationship with government, contribute very significantly to the revitalization of the economy, improving the competitiveness of business and job creation.
Thus, given a new impetus to the implementation of the Plan of Reducing Administrative Burdens, approved by the Government in 2008 and to date has shown the implementation of 247 measures for the elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy and has led to a savings businesses and citizens in excess of 4,300 million euros.
Estimates from the Bank of Spain, the EU and the OECD, the administrative burden represents a cost to the economy of around 4.6% of Spanish GDP. A reduction of 30% would, therefore, a figure close to 15,000 million euros, of which 10,000 correspond to the General Administration of State and 5,000 million to the regions and local authorities.
Information exchange
Under this new agreement, the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration and FEMP will create a framework for study and exchange of information on reducing administrative burdens. The Government will also facilitate the participation of representatives of the Federation in the information exchange forums open to the autonomous communities.
Similarly, the Ministry will make available to the FEMP a tool designed specifically for the application of the simplified method of administrative and work with the Federation in the pilot projects and dissemination of good practice by local authorities in this matter.
For its part, the FEMP disseminate among its members the new priorities for the valuation of local administrative modernization projects, primarily with regard to the objective of 30% reduction of administrative burdens, as well as pilot projects and good practices local authorities carried out under the cooperation agreement of 17 February 2009. The Federation is also committed to promote the Councils provide the overall system load measurement data on the burden reduction activities conducted within their territorial jurisdiction, particularly as regards the economic impact of such actions.
Pilot projects
The agreement signed in 2009 among other activities has enabled the implementation of pilot projects in ten Spanish cities: Elche, Castellón, Logroño, Palencia, Villalbilla (Burgos), Aledo (Murcia), Miguelturra (Ciudad Real), Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid), Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) and Catarroja (Valencia). The result of this agreement is also a manual that provides a simplified method of measuring and reducing administrative burdens, as well as incorporating the experiences implemented by the ten municipalities. This document has involved groups of experts from the three territorial governments.