Trust, transparency and quality of local governance codes

Listening to the neighbors, explaining much political action and the management of public affairs, and make the best possible performance of new communication technologies, with a constant presence in social networks, are key tasks that currently have to undertake the Mayors if they want to gain the trust of citizens. This expressed the Mayor of Pamplona, Yolanda Barcina, and the Mayor of Sabadell, Manuel Bustos, at the Seminar "Democracy and Good Governance Quality", organized by FEMP as part of its continuing education program.

Trust is the word "magic" and rebuild it or keep it in this difficult time for those who have the task of governing the fate of any Public Administration, is a prime target, as the Mayor of Sabadell and Chairman of the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia. And to gain the trust of citizens, he said, nothing better than hearing the voice of citizens, especially those who do not have channels of communication to express themselves, that is, use the "door" and the relationship with people.
Manuel Bustos, who considers it essential that Mayors are in social networks, "even if it means working longer hours, put some examples of how to build trust or at least maintain it. In the Government Commission of the City Council participate, with voice, the political spokesmen of the opposition, and Procurement Commission, in addition to voice, also vote.
In the same line expressed the Mayor of Pamplona, for whom the "face" to the people and that "you see in front", generates a surplus of confidence to the citizen. Not forgetting, of course, new technologies and social networks and, on another level the "participatory budgets".
Yolanda Barcina has gone through all the neighborhoods of his city and has met with more than 700 associations of all types that exist. Although they recognized that this way of interacting with citizens is easier for the mayors of smaller cities.
At another point in his speech referred to the necessary unification of criteria for determining the salaries of elected city and also the possibility that at some point in the system of open lists in local elections, as well factors have into account in building the confidence of citizens.
The seminar "Democracy and Good Governance Quality," held at the headquarters of the FEMP has brought together representatives of local and central government, experts and outstanding teachers and university professors to discuss how to wield the Government from the beginning as quality, transparency, modernization and management control.
Among the participants, Amelia Valcárcel, UNE's Professor and member of the State Council, Eloisa del Pino, Director of Quality Monitoring Agency for the Evaluation and Quality; Boris Tonhauser, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) ; Joan Subirats, Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and José Antonio Marina, philosopher and essayist. At the close intervened Maria Luisa Carcedo, President of the Agency for the Evaluation and Quality (AEVAL).