Working Group to make proposals to improve air quality

The Environment Sector Conference agreed on July 13, creating a working group to select a political character and set concrete measures to help improve air quality. In this group, comprising representatives of the Ministry and the Autonomous Communities, will analyze and assess the work of the technical equipment of the FEMP, the City Councils of Madrid and Barcelona and Regional Governments.

The Conference also discussed Sector Strategic Plan of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity for the next approval, and also approved the reinforcing means repartote forest fires.
Also, unanimously gave its approval to an investment of 106.7 million euros for the promotion of wine in third countries (Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, MARM, finance 50% of this investment to the EGF). With this figure be supported 932 programs, 22% more this year.
It also approved the distribution of 5.8 million euros between regions for the development of agricultural and livestock programs. Specifically, for restructuring and conversion of vineyards, state programs for control and eradication of TSE's and other animal diseases, quality of plant varieties and certification of material reproduction