Local Police and Security Forces of the State renew their partnership

The Director General of the Guardia Civil, Francisco Javier Velázquez, and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, have affected the commitment to collaboration between local police and the Security Forces of the State, during the act of closure of the XIII Conference on this subject, held in Madrid on 7 and 8 October

This act has been the final two days of work, during which participants discussed and reflected on the challenges of Public Safety in Spain as an activity in which the various public authorities are co-responsible. To do this, through lectures, panel discussions and subsequent discussions, have been analyzing the lines of cooperation and coordination mechanisms established and available.
One topic that has attracted the most interest was the new Rules of Local Boards Security, which came into force recently. We also examined the potential for operational coordination for access to databases provided in the Framework Convention of collaboration, cooperation and coordination in the Ministry of Interior and the FEMP have signed on Public Safety and Security.
The Conference, organized by the FEMP and the Directorate General of Police and Civil Guard under the FEMP Continuing Education Plan 2010, have been part of the Institutional week commemoration of the Civil Guard.