Open consultation of the electorate until April 11

The next May 22, 2011 may vote in municipal elections 34,567,304 voters, 19,328,936 in the elections held in 13 regions and 114 584 in the Assemblies of the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The electoral roll is available from Monday until April 11 in the municipalities and provincial offices of the Electoral Census Office.

Spanish voters living abroad can check their registration information on these same dates in the respective consulates. The consultation on the Councils can be done by computer means, prior identification of the person concerned, or alternatively by exposure of the electoral material if there is no such means.
As reported by the National Statistics Institute (INE) in a note, the deadline for claiming, if there is any error or omission in the information contained in the electoral roll, runs from 4 to 11 April. Claims can be submitted to local councils, consulates or provincial branches of the Electoral Census Office.
Census cards
The Electoral Census Office will send each voter a census card in which the table tells you to vote and the polling place and address as well, from 25 April.
The provincial offices of the Electoral Census Office will attend the consultations on matters within their competence (census registration, postal voting, polling, census cards, etc..) In their offices and by phone at number 901,101,900 .
Internet consultation
In the website of the National Institute of Statistics (http:/www.ine.es) available information on the electoral roll with data relevant to this consultation, current census, claims, voting by mail, deadlines, legal rules and counting of entries.
All voters can consult the data tables and polling stations. In addition, voters who have a digital certificate can check their registration details on the electoral roll.

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