The FEMP adopted the

The FEMP Executive Committee has approved a statement claiming the role of local governments as guarantors of security and the free exercise of citizenship rights, while demand the necessary and sufficient to enable them to ensure peaceful coexistence and civility in public spaces.

Spanish municipalities reaffirm the commitment to a public space quality-guarantee social and territorial balance and they asked to preserve "the heritage of all and to avoid even being able to appropriate." To do this, find it necessary for all public administrations to make available to the municipalities the necessary resources, while strengthening the coordination of all security forces and cooperation between police, prosecutors and judiciary.
The FEMP claims that through regional or national legislation criminalizes those behaviors and situations that create problems of coexistence and security in public space. In particular, calls for a response "adequate and effective" to the phenomenon of recidivism, "which creates feeling of insecurity among our citizens and a feeling of impunity among offenders, and negatively affects our living and our trade and economic .
The statement also considers a priority the promotion of rehabilitation measures and work for the benefit of the community and urges progress in resolving conflicts through mediation, justice of proximity and the use of alternative instruments to judicial action.
The Mayor of Barcelona, Jordi Hereu, the reception after he provided to the Executive Committee at City Hall, thanked the FEMP the initiative to adopt this declaration, whose content reflects the concern of many municipalities and in particular that of Barcelona, on this type of problem.
Support for the "Agenda of Barcelona"
The FEMP Executive has further expressed its support for the conclusions contained in "Agenda of Barcelona," the final document of the European Summit of Local Governments to be held these days in the Catalan capital, in another statement the highest organ of the Federation address, requires the presence and participation of local governments at every table and in all fora where decisions are taken on the new production model.
The FEMP bet because the investment priorities of local governments lay the foundation for innovation and sustainability, by strengthening the local employment services, in collaboration with educational services and enterprises, and encourage creative and entrepreneurial talent in people by establishing a culture of lifelong learning.
In this statement, the Executive also requires the participation of local governments in the development of the Lisbon Treaty and the EU Strategy 2020.
Sustainability of public finances
The FEMP Executive has been informed of the proposed framework agreement on sustainability of public finances, provided by the Government, and agreed that the Finance Commission and Local Financing examine the contents of this plan, in order to fix the Local Government position towards the meeting of the National Commission for Local Administration (CNAL).
Women's Day
The Executive Committee agreed, on the other hand, appeal to the Local Government and Regional Federations of the FEMP to stage, demonstrations or any other activity to commemorate the International Women's Day, celebrated on 8 March.
In this sense, has issued a statement claiming that equality between women and men is taken into account when addressing the answers to the economic crisis and boost growth and jobs in the coming years. The text encourages municipalities to celebrate the International Women's Day with rallies and demonstrations that display their commitment and that of all citizens to secure "the challenge of building and guarantee that women and men to enjoy a diverse society, inclusive , and inclusive.
The Executive Committee approved the contents of several cooperation agreements, among others, to be signed with the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine sustainable development of rural municipalities, including the organization of the Congress of Small Towns, which will held this year in Toledo.
Another of the conventions adopted is that heading in Public Employment Service for Local Entities share the use of the computer tool Redtrabaj @. Com and facilitate the incorporation of local employment services to Web content.
In economic development, FEMP sign an agreement with the Spanish Coordinator of industrial parks (ECE) to improve conditions for business areas, industrial land development and competitiveness of enterprises.
The FEMP also signed agreements with the Ministry of Health and Social Policy for the development of activities of the Spanish Network of Healthy Cities, with TURESPAÑA to coordinate activities related to the momentum of policy development and implementation of quality tourism in destinations and with the Institute of Youth Development activities associated with prevention programs, gender violence, health and youth empowerment.

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