Elena Espinosa explains the objectives of rural policy at the Congress of Small Muncipios

The Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa, highlighted in the First Congress of Small Towns, organized by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), held to-morrow, that the MARM is among its rural policy objectives of improving the socioeconomic status of the population and access to adequate public services and quality.

In his speech, the Minister recalled the work taking place in the MARM from collaboration and integration, giving a radical change in the way of making and managing public policies in rural areas from a regional perspective.
Elena Espinosa has said that, to this end, we must bear in mind that the concept of "territorial cohesion" is set to empty value avoiding geographic territories and ensuring the social and economic viability of the people continuously. Also, he added, it is a concept that serves as an argument to design a future where small populations are viable.
Also, the Minister has indicated the need to promote equal opportunities for citizens in terms of conditions and quality of life and equality in business prospects for its development, irrespective of the territory where they are situated.
Elena Espinosa has said that it is a way in which they must engage the rest of government, particularly local government, and, to some extent, must form a lever for the enhancement, and call attention to small towns, and rural Spanish sharper.
In this vein, the Minister pointed out the importance of the enactment of the Law for sustainable rural development, which lays the groundwork for a rural policy itself, as state policy, fully adapted, and adaptable to economic conditions, social and environmental circumstances of the Spanish countryside, which complements the implementation of the instruments of European policies with impact on rural development in the coming years and open a field of expertise to the possible future EU policy.
In addition, Elena Espinosa stressed that this Act is intended that the initiatives come from the territory, being territorial actors who assume the role of the implementation of actions.
In this way, has continued, is to give a boost balanced development in rural areas, giving priority to those who suffer a greater degree of relative backwardness. To this end, we identify a large number of possible actions and measures for sustainable rural development, which can be applied both by the General State Administration and by the regional authorities according to their respective powers, within a collaborative framework defined temporal and spatial .
To this end, the Minister pointed out, configuring the Sustainable Rural Development Programme (PDRS) as the instrument base on which will implement this new rural policy Spanish, becoming as a major strategic planning effort developed rural land Spain, in a bid to maintain the territorial cohesion.
Desatacado Elena Espinosa has also the role of this Programme in the consolidation of the territorial model of planning based on up participatory governance, the multi-sectoral and multi-level action. This, he added, under the focus of sustainability, with full and committed participation of government and civil society as a whole with full interest in the advancement of rural areas.


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