The President of the FEMP considered good news for the resignation of ETA violence

The President of the FEMP, Juan Ignacio Zoido, has described as "good news" ETA's decision to end the violence and expressed, on behalf of Spanish Local Governments, the wish that this time is "real" , for freedom and coexistence definitely imposing threats and extortion suffered by the Spanish and Basque society over the past 40 years.

"We also hope that this statement is realized in a definitive way in the disappearance of ETA, with the announcement of its dissolution and the surrender of weapons," said Mayor Sevilla.

In this time of welcomes this statement, then said, "we can not forget the more than 800 casualties, the hundreds of people injured or threatened and their families."

The President of the FEMP has special memories for over thirty mayors and councilors killed, "nothing or no one will remove from our memory," and for other elected officials or people connected to the municipal world that have also suffered consequences of terrorism. "All of them, thanks again for your sacrifice and generosity."


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