The President of the FEMP assist in Malaga at the European Meeting of Ministers of Regional Policy

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro will attend the 16th and 17th of this month at the informal meeting of Ministers of Regional Policy, to be held in the city of Malaga, coinciding with the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, which monographic be addressed in the territorial debate in Europe.

Pedro Castro has been invited by the Third Vice-President and Minister of Land Policy, Manuel Chaves, at this meeting, convened under the slogan "join forces to multiply results." It will address the need to strengthen and improve mechanisms for cooperation between Europe, States, regions and local governments to more effectively fight against the economic crisis.
The working meetings to be held during the day 17 in the Trade Fair and Congress of the Andalusian city, address the following issues:
• The role of local and regional economic recovery and the definition of a new sustainable economic model.
• The subsidiarity, fundamental element for bringing Europe closer to citizens.
· Promote reflection on multilevel governance and institutional cooperation mechanisms. In particular, it is depotenciar coordinated action of the Union, member states and the local and regional governments in the implementation of EU policies.
Remember that multi-level governance was the subject of analysis and study at the European Summit of Local Governments on 23 and 24 February in Barcelona and included in the "Agenda of Barcelona" in the Decalogue and Recommendations.