Equality plans and employment opportunities in public administration

Civil servants, policy makers and government executives, attending a conference on Equality Policies and Plans Internal Gender and Employment in government, organized by the FEMP and the State Secretariat for Equality.

The conference, inaugurated by the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, and the Director General for Employment Equity and Anti-Discrimination, Carmen Navarro, intended to extend the implementation of internal policies and equality schemes for public employees. To do this, an analysis, enter other, good practices in this area carried out in the field of the three government.
The Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, said the Federation's commitment to equal opportunities in all public policies and the need to extend to all local governments the implementation of equality plans in place covering the reconciling work and family life, equal treatment and opportunity in all aspects. Isaura Leal emphasized the great advances that have occurred in recent years when the participation of women in local life and said that we must continue on this path to achieve a more inclusive, balanced and cohesive.
For its part, the Director General, Carmen Navarro, acknowledged the great efforts being made by local governments in implementing policies of equal opportunities transversally and progress taking place in our country with the regulatory changes that have occurred, especially the Law on Equality between Women and Men.