The FEMP intervene in the development of Air Quality Planning

The FEMP participate actively in the elaboration and development of Air Quality Planning, together with the Government of Spain and the Autonomous Communities, each competence in the field from cooperation and institutional cooperation. This is one of the commitments made by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, after meeting with the Minister for the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar.

The measure is included in the Royal Decree on Air Quality, approved by the Council of Ministers on 28 January, in which, among other things, requires the development of plans for air quality in cities of over one hundred thousand population, taking into account the plans of the Autonomous Communities and the National Plan.

During the meeting were also addressed various issues related to the fields of bilateral cooperation between the Ministry and the FEMP, the activity of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate and Biodiversity Network, and others have remained open new avenues for collaboration aimed at raising awareness of citizens in creating sustainable habits related to transport and mobility, with the aim of improving air quality in cities.

In addition, the President of the FEMP has moved to the head of the Environment, some of the steps already being taken by Local Governments in the field of sustainability, the promotion of public transport compared to private vehicles, boosting plans sustainable mobility, traffic calming measures or the promotion of energy efficiency in municipal facilities.

Also referred to decentralization in the urban areas of facilities and administrative offices of government agencies to relieve the center of some ciudades.Así as the traffic restriction measures implemented in cities around the world.
Pedro Castro has also highlighted other actions that are already starting to become a reality in our cities, referring to public awareness campaigns, integration of public transport in new urban developments, the promotion of electric vehicles or instruments of planning criteria sustainable development.
Collaboration Protocol
The Minister of Environment announced, along with the Mayor of Getafe, in March signed a cooperation protocol between the Ministry and the FEMP in environmental policy, which will establish the collaboration LISTED "constant and ongoing" between both sides.

Also announced will be set framework for collaboration between the Government and the FEMP to boost job creation in rural counties, especially among youth.

At another point in his speech after the meeting, referring to the solutions they propose a change in tax levied on the most polluting vehicles, said that the Government wants to collect more taxes from poor air quality, because "the response and solution are in taxation. "
Rosa Aguilar also expressed respect for the powers of municipalities and autonomous regions, and commended the decalogue of measures that FEMP offers its members to combat air pollution.
The President of the FEMP held that the Federation can participate in national development plans of the Environmental Quality Act and noted that the new protocol to be signed with the Marmara serve to "institutionalize the participation of the municipalities" in those plans