The FEMP teleprotection managed mobile service for women victims of gender violence

The Equality Minister Bibiana Aido, and the president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Pedro Castro, have signed an agreement whereby the ministry to allocate part of 5.5 million euros for service management of mobile teleprotection women victims of gender violence through the municipalities grouped in the FEMP

With this agreement, the Ministry for Equal fulfills one of its main tasks in the field of gender violence and that is to manage, coordinate and promote all measures undertaken in this area, in particular, promote collaboration and participation institutions, associations and organizations from civil society, acting against gender violence in programming and implement mechanisms and actions aimed at combating this scourge.

After signing the agreement, the holder of Equality, Bibiana Aido, has indicated that this service teleprotection is a "good example of the importance of collaboration between the different administrations of a problem as the violence inflicted on women" and recalled that is complementary to other protection mechanisms and resources and attention to women victims of gender violence are available.

For its part, the FEMP, with a scope that reaches more than 95% of the Spanish population from 7,239 in most municipalities, 39 provincial councils and 10 boards and councils island grouping is committed through this agreement to manage teleprotection program, ensuring quality of service, and providing advice to local authorities on the conditions of accession thereto and on the conditions of access by the user.

Teleprotection service
On 31 January 2010, most of 13,696 women are users of this service and free state, the result of collaboration between Equality and FEMP.

This program for women with protection order that so wish, is based on the use of communication technologies and mobile telephone telelocalización. Allows women at risk of gender violence can come into contact for 24 hours a day with specific focus on preparation for an adequate response: both safety, as psychological and social care.

Operation of the program 
The system consists of a device (similar to a mobile phone) with GPS through which the spotlight will know the location of the victim of gender violence. Contact with the Care Center can be set at any time and from anywhere, simply by pressing a button, and in the form of hands-free.

When an emergency situation, the Service Center immediately notifies law enforcement and social services closer to the victim. The service is not limited to meet occasional demands of users, but also establishes a communication continuum between preventive and Care Center and the user.


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