Innovative municipal projects in the conference

The Mayor of Santander, Iñigo de la Serna, and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, participated in the conference "Looking to the future of cities", organized Telefónica ID, which have been known for innovation projects and development carried out at the municipal level

Iñigo de la Serna presented the project of the City Council to launch a channel of information to citizens through television screens placed in the buses. This new service channel, as explained by the Mayor, will provide contents and other information on matters of public interest related to the municipality.
De la Serna said the City Council of its commitment to innovation and its efforts to incorporate new technologies in municipal management, as well as their willingness to collaborate on initiatives and actions undertaken by other entities and have a scientific and research community. He also pointed to the involvement of Santander Consistory in the "Smart City" in collaboration with the University of Cantabria.
The Secretary General of the FEMP, in turn, explained the work the Federation to develop new technologies reach all municipalities, even the smallest, so that they can offer the same services as the largest. In this regard, said Local Government "from its proximity to the public, play a pivotal role in the process of bringing the knowledge society and information to our neighbors."
Isaura Leal pointed to the need to democratize the resources to reach every citizen, and that are accessible and meet all local initiatives and to provide some public services tailored to their needs. Therefore, said initiatives like the European "Smart Cities", which is firmly committed to energy efficiency, sustainability, the environment and improve citizen services and quality of life through new technologies. He also congratulated for his efforts in this and other respects, the City Councils and Mayors that "have begun, in your respective cities, to walk towards the future."