Alcaracejos, Basauri and Pamplona, Reina Sofia Award 2010 Universal Accessibility of Municipalities

Mayor Alcaracejos (Córdoba), Luciano Cabrera, and the Mayors of Basauri and Pamplona, Loly John and Yolanda Barcina, received this morning, the Reina Sofia Award 2010 Universal Accessibility in the ceremony held this morning at the Palace Zarzuela.

Her Majesty the Queen delivered this morning Reina Sofia Award 2010 distinguished individuals and entities for their efforts at prevention of disability, employment of persons with disabilities and universal accessibility of municipalities, during a ceremony held at the Palace Zarzuela, which was attended by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro.
Universal Accessibility Award of Municipalities, with which distinguishes those councils that have worked to eliminate physical and virtual barriers that limit the daily lives of people with disabilities, the City Councils of Alcaraceños, Va. Sauri and Pamplona, in categories of municipalities under 10,000 inhabitants, between 10,000 and 100,000 and over 100,000 respectively.
The first one, collected by the Mayor, Luciano Cabrera, has come to recognize the work of the City Council to integrate hire persons with disabilities and improve accessibility for all. In the case of Basauri, its Mayor, Loly John, saw winning the Accessibility Plan of the municipality Biscay complicated topography.
Finally, the award for Pamplona, collected by Yolanda Barcina, rewards the work of universal accessibility of Pamplona, where accessibility extends to both space and social policies and communication.