The FEMP and the government studied energy saving measures in municipalities

The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade Miguel Sebastian, and the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, met this afternoon at the headquarters of the Ministry for the cost saving measures and energy efficiency that can be launched from the municipalities. Among the measures studied is changing the luminaire public streets, roads and facilities to achieve energy savings of 42 percent, and halved the use of vehicles in their fleets.

After the meeting, which lasted two hours, Castro explained the two "impact measures" to be carried out in the short term, reports the Efe news agency.

The first one is to install low-consumption fixture in roads, streets, public facilities such as sports halls or other in order to achieve lower energy consumption by 42 percent.

Will the Ministry of Industry, who through the IDEA and the funds available as who provides the light, while maintenance crews of municipalities will be responsible for installation.

The President of the FEMP has not quantified the cost of this change, but pointed out that thanks to Plan E many municipalities have already replaced the open with light bulbs.

The second "action impact" as the first may be launched shortly, is to halve the use of vehicles in the fleets of the three government-central, regional and local levels.

During the meeting they discussed the various alternatives to reduce private car use and promote public transport, although Pedro Castro has dismissed that mean "ban."

Rather, the FEMP is committed to raising public awareness and coordination of the various transport to deter drivers from entering large cities with their private vehicles.

Nor is the FEMP party, stressed Castro, charge fees to the car, but to reduce public transport fares increase as their use.

Sensors installed in public buildings so that only light comes from the offices where we work and shut off the rest, and reduce heating and air conditioning are other proposals to save FEMP.