The Network for Biodiversity FEMP commitment to

The President of the Local Government Network + Biodiversity 2010 and the Provincial de Guadalajara, María Antonia Pérez, has asked municipal officials to integrate biodiversity into policies they develop in their territories and to pay particular attention to those actions capable of creating jobs, through the so-called "green jobs."

The Real Sitio de San Ildefonso-La Granja (Segovia) welcomes the Third Meeting of Local Governments for Biodiversity, organized by the FEMP and the City Council of this town, to mark the International Year of Biodiversity, which is held in the General Assembly under the Local Government Network + Biodiversity FEMP 2010.
María Antonia Pérez highlighted the efforts that "more and more municipalities" being made to conserve and revive biodiversity of its natural surroundings and put in value the return on money spent in this task. Therefore, he said, is important to support any public or private initiative is capable of creating new jobs and at the same time, to ensure the preservation of ecosystems.
The President of the FEMP Network said that the municipalities are the first step "and sometimes the last" to implement effective environmental policies and that the councils "are becoming more responsible environmental actions, because there is an opportunity to secure employment and to ensure sustainable social and urban development. "
Employment in activities related to the environment in Spain already accounts for 2.62% of the employed population with a total of 530 947 jobs, according to the latest report issued by the Observatory of Sustainability in Spain (OSE) and the Foundation Biodiversity. The President of the Network, in line with the proposal for this work, because soon bet most if not all jobs are green, because the economy and our prosperity depend on efficient and respectful use of natural resources that we surround.
The meeting was opened by the Chairperson of the Network, accompanied by the Mayor host, José Luis Vázquez, the Government Sub-Segovia, Maria Teresa Rodrigo, and the Mayor of El Espinar and Chairman of the Committee on Public Works, Urbanism and Environment Environment of the Regional Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Castilla y León, David Rubio.
The Network of Local & Biodiversity 2010 is a section created in 2007 in the bosom of the FEMP that integrates currently 219 local bodies in Spain, totaling nearly 22 million people.
On the occasion of International Biodiversity Day, on 21 May, representatives of local governments adhere to this Network signed a manifesto pledge to preserve biological diversity and to incorporate this principle in its municipal and provincial policies, especially in planning instruments and land use.
The statement, signed by 215 members of the Local Government Network, aims to sensitize local officials in Spain to join the application of the proposed measures. Among the recommendations is to "protect ecosystems, species and ecological corridors" and "increase the number of green spaces and encourage green procurement policies for products and services."
The Network held its Assembly tomorrow, after the meeting, and shall deliver the First Prize awards Bio + Life + projects submitted by schools in the municipalities adhered to the Network