La Mesa del Toro has signed an agreement with FEMP to provide local entities of governance bullfighting

The FEMP and the Mesa del Toro has signed a cooperation agreement to facilitate the proper management councils of taurine matters within its competence. The agreement is to recognize the Mesa del Toro as a valid interlocutor and advisor to the FEMP to address issues and problems arising from the relationship of the municipalities with bullfighting sector, the promotion and development of the festival in our country.

The agreement has been signed by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and President of the Mesa del Toro, Carlos Nunez, and includes the following joint actions:
· Preparation of a compendium of various regulations Taurinos, giving refer it to the Autonomous Communities for consideration. The objective of this measure is to standardize the diverse legislation that currently exist in relation to the sector arising from the transfer of powers to regional governments.
· Elaboration of a model type of technical conditions for competitive award of arenas governed by Councils. In addition, the Bureau will draw up a decalogue Toro containing recommendations and technical professionals who can assist in organizing consistories bullfighting. The Decalogue is subject to the approval of the FEMP before its release.
· Organization of seminars for discussion between the responsible bull of local councils and industry representatives to discuss issues of common interest and encourage the search for solutions to any problems that may exist in the relationship.
La Mesa del Toro brings together virtually all sectors and Spanish bullfighting in it are represented entrepreneurs, bullfighters, breeders of fighting bulls and veterinarians.