Zarrías Gaspar announced that the Government presented in September the new Local Government Act

The government plans to submit to Parliament at the next session beginning in September, the new Local Government Act to update the existing 1985 and has key issues of local life and is the common denominator for the performance of all municipalities.

This was announced by the Secretary of State for Territorial Cooperation, Gaspar Zarrías at the opening of the meeting organized by the FEMP as part of the Summer Courses of El Escorial. Zarrías also noted that the new Finance Act should be raised with "medium term", without any implication that there should allow the economic problems by passing through the municipalities.
Gaspar Zarrías has intervened with the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, in the opening ceremony of the meeting entitled "Updating municipalism: Confidence in Local Government" as part of the work plan of the Strategic Plan prepared by the Federation .
The Secretary of State has explained that the Government intended that the new comes into force with the new local office out of the next election in May 2010 and that it seeks to strengthen municipal autonomy, improve the democratic quality of local councils and a set of rights and duties of the residents, through a statute. At the same time, strengthen the figure of the mayor and will implement additional measures to ensure the monitoring role of the opposition on the way teams of government.
Zarrías Gaspar has also been referred to the local funding, noting that it should be considered in the medium term, because no better time, given the economic circumstances, but to be considered are other measures to address the City Councils next year. In this regard, noted the need to revise and even expand the "local tax range" for what it will take a major political pact between the major parties.
He also referred to the Provincial Councils are not only saying that "constitutional situation, but also play a key role for small municipalities, which is why he said that" today seems unthinkable "to raise their removal, just as is not possible in Spain at this time a reduction in the number of municipalities, by the laws and legal difficulties and would also lead to social reticence in the municipalities themselves.
The President of the FEMP, meanwhile, acknowledged that it might not be time to address a reform of local financing system, but at least expected that the next State Budget 2011 will allow municipalities to circumvent the limitation of indebtedness, certain investments in multi or co, as well as replacement costs.
On this point, Pedro Castro called for respect for the Councils accounts with sound and meet the objectives of the Budget Stability Law, because "they can not receive the same treatment as those who do not."
Pedro Castro said that local governments are pulling up the shoulder against the crisis, with determination and responsibility, and demanded the rest of the institutions, political forces, social partners and financial institutions to do likewise, each from its respective powers.
Getafe Mayor returned to ask the Government to govern, even taking tough and unpopular measures, but also called on the opposition to be responsible and do not condition its easy stance to gain votes. In addition, he claimed the Autonomous Communities to assume their responsibility towards out of the crisis.


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