The Sixth World Assembly of Cities for Climate concludes its work

The Sixth Assembly of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate finished in Vigo with the realization that local governments that comprise it are determined to take a firm position on the electrical mobility and promote a "firm commitment" to reduce emissions .

The Mayor of Vigo and President of the Red, Abel Caballero, has made a positive assessment of the two days of meetings in which representatives of over a hundred Spanish municipalities and discussed the implementation of electric vehicles with responsible the Spanish Climate Change Office, Ministry of Industry, IDEA and Spanish Red Electrica. The City Councils of Gijón, Málaga, Sevilla, Barcelona and Vigo had the local experience in this field.

Vigo Mayor said the event held leaves the "conviction" that municipal officials are willing to give facilities to the sustainable use of the vehicle, both fiscal and parking and refueling. Localities also advocate that small repairs to be made in the inner cities who need transportation are carried out "virtually exclusive concession" for electric industrial vehicles, he explained.

Similarly, Abel Caballero defended "to the maximum facilities to the establishment of companies to establish distribution and load management of electric cars and then have public or private parking concession already have all the features of burden."

The President of the Network FEMP further suggested that the Assembly held in its consolidated city "a giant first step of the communes for effective implementation of the electric car. Knight advanced to Vigo also actively involved in the development of a pilot municipal ordinance regulating the use of the vehicle, along with the IDEA and the network itself presiding.

Municipal experiences
The experiences of Barcelona, Vigo, Seville, Malaga and Gijon in the development and deployment of electric cars in their respective municipalities focused discussions of the second and final day of work of the Conferences held in Vigo.
Involved, among others, the Deputy Mayor of Environment of the City of Barcelona, Inma Mayol Beltrán, to explain the experience of Barcelona, and Councilman Vigo Municipal Management, Carlos López Font, to present the strategy to promote electric vehicle this city. Later, at a round table, representatives of the municipalities of Sevilla, Malaga and Gijón, pioneering examples in their respective projects "Movele", "SmartCity" and "Living Car Gijón.

In addition to the municipal experiences, the conference attendees were able to see what the impact of electric vehicles in GHG emissions, the details of the Comprehensive Strategy Electric Vehicle, the "intelligent networks, such as battery electric vehicles, or Measures to encourage these cars, with the help of representatives of the Ministries of Environment, Industry, Red Electrica of Spain and the IDEA. The voice of the builders put the Director of the Center for PSA Peugeot Citroen Vigo.


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