Own web channel for new councils

The Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration has launched through its website (www.mpt.gob.es), coinciding with the date on which the new councils are formed, a single channel of action and communication with the Supreme local, which inclluye all computer applications that serve local authorities in their areas of expertise: state investment funds, European funds, grants and aid to municipalities.

The new website will include the registration of Mayors, the registration of Local and online processing of various procedures, including procedures relating to registration of officials at the state-enabled. It will also cover the obligation to notify agreements of the municipal government delegations of the Government.

As new records of Mayors, will be updated after the date of establishment of the councils with the information they receive from them.

The application provides a systematic way information, statistics, studies and data prepared by the Ministry, as well as links to other local information at the various ministries and state agencies.