The FEMP Territorial Council discusses the draft 2011 Budget Law

The FEMP Territorial Council has reviewed the content of the General State Budget 2011 and has been informed of the Federation's proposals to the political groups of the Congress of Deputies for taking into account during the parliamentary process of the Bill

FEMP proposals have to do with the refinancing of debt and credit operations in the long term, the rise in payments on account of the participation of local entities in state revenues (PIE), the subsidy to ensure basic social services provided by councils and the Special Fund for municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, among others.
The permanent body of collaboration, coordination and consultation between the FEMP and different territorial federations that comprise also discussed the need for additional measures to be enabled to allow the funding councils meet current expenditure and enable the fulfillment of their commitments payment to suppliers. In particular moves have asked the Government the need to enable the ICO credit line referred to in the recent law on remedies for late payment in commercial transactions.
During the Territorial Council meeting the President of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP), Francisco Toscano, has moved the acceptance of your Federation by urging the Government to reconsider suppression measures and cuts in aid and subsidies for social housing, recently announced by the Government. The FAMP warning of the negative consequences that would bring a measure that includes reducing by half the aid for the purchase of a subsidized housing, especially for access to decent housing for people with less resources.

Similarly, the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces Valencia has requested that the FEMP propose to the Government during its investigation of PGE 2011, amending the Law on Cadastre that at the request of local councils to commence the valuation process collectively without having to wait five years after the entry into force of assessed values resulting from the above procedure, the proposal designed especially for the revisions made between 2005 and 2007. The Valencian Federation initiative also includes the possible extension of the base to reach new value within 15 years, rather than the current 10.
Hawking Agreement
On the other hand, the Territorial Council was informed of the resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the FEMP on the regulation of street vending, as well as the contents of the decree of the Generalitat of Catalonia on the subject.
According to the proposal from the FEMP, undertaken by the Territorial Council, there would be meetings with representatives of the Autonomous Communities, the Central Government and municipalities to establish a coherent and consistent regulatory framework for the entire state in street vendors. The intention would also carry out meetings with the sector in which, in addition to working together, possible disclosure of the contents of the ordinances and competitions as well as the design of street trading and markets of the future.
At the meeting the Regional Council of the FEMP representatives have attended the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Andalusia, Castilla la Mancha, Castilla y Leon, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Canary Islands, Extremadura, Galicia, Cantabria, Aragón, Asturias, Madrid, Murcia, La Rioja, Navarra and Valencia.