Presentation of information for grant applications to the inner city public transport

The Directorate General of Financial Coordination with the Autonomous Communities and Local Government has issued a resolution which says the presentation of information required for the application of collective urban transport subsidies interior. This information should be submitted by July 1.

The resolution, which can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, refers to the grant of 70 million euros, under the State Budget for urban mass transit, and explains the guidelines set by the Directorate General of Financial Coordination with the Autonomous Communities and local entities to submit the basic documents needed to apply for these grants.
The text refers to an application with many attachments, downloadable from the same area of ​​the website of the Ministry, and details the rest of the documentation that local officials have to provide how they have to do it. The required information detailed in the resolution is the following: accounting, document detailed the items of income and expenses attributable to transportation service reviewed by the auditor, found justification for the City Council grant applicant to date with their pay taxes and Social Security, found justification for the company, agency or organization providing transportation services to current with their tax and Social Security, and finally official document which will reflect current regulatory arrangements financial conditions in which the activity takes place.