The FEMP not sign agreements that may have effects on competition

The Executive Committee of the FEMP agreed at its meeting on July 11 that the Federation will sign agreements or agreements with the General Councils and Professional Associations in place covering issues that could affect competition, particularly as it affects to procedures for obtaining municipal licenses.

With this, the complete performances Federation concerning disciplinary proceedings initiated by the National Competition Commission (CNC) as a result of agreements signed between the FEMP and the Council of Colleges of Architects, Technical Architects and Industrial Engineers .
After being notified last February, the initiation of disciplinary proceedings by the CNC, the Federation agreed to raise the standard termination of the procedure by resolution of the conventions and then to refer the resolution to all its members and Federations territorial. The resolution adopted by the Executive Committee at its last meeting is a further commitment to make possible the completion of the record conventional, without penalty to the Federation.