Boost for Civil Protection at the local level

The Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, and the President of the National Association of Professional Specialists in Civil Protection and Emergency (ANEPPCE), Blas Castrillo, have signed this morning at the headquarters of the FEMP, a framework cooperation agreement aimed to promote civil protection in the Local Administration.

The Convention intends to achieve this objective by conducting studies and consultations, implementation of emergency plans and self-protection, program design, training and information, cooperation in research and analysis of potential emergencies or disasters related to Civil Protection , among other proposals.
The development of these initiatives will take place, as stressed in the agreement, through action programs based on the promotion of Civil Protection and local competition studies, coordination and advice in the art, design and subsequent delivery of training programs by the ANEPPCE in the field of continuing training and advising, drafting and implementation of spatial plans and Special Emergency and Municipal Supra. Similar activities are contemplated to Protection Plans, and conducting events relating to civil protection and emergencies and the exchange of technical information.