The FEMP demands a great deal of state to promote economic recovery and employment

The FEMP wants local governments are at the table of dialogue and negotiation between the Government and the Autonomous Communities, to address the reform of employment policies, and demands a great deal to revive the national economy. This agreement was adopted unanimously and has been reflected in a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Federation. It has adopted a motion on the Western Sahara where, among other things, calls for mechanisms for monitoring human rights in this territory.

The resolution requires the Government, the regional governments, political parties and organizations of employers and unions, commitment and responsibility to promote, together with local governments, a state wide agreement to promote and develop the necessary measures to achieve economic recovery, job creation and prevent financial risks, joining forces with the common aim to generate the necessary public confidence and promote stabilization of the markets.
Similarly, calls for the involvement of local governments, through the FEMP, in the framework of dialogue and negotiation between the Government and the regional governments to urgently address the reform of employment policies.
The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, said at the end of the meeting of the Executive Committee that the agreement is to tell all parties that "it is time the political generosity," that "we stop controversial" and that "work in the same direction, jointly and severally, to overcome the difficult times through the Spanish economy." In this regard, he reiterated once again the firm commitment of local governments to "support and help from the loyalty and responsibility that we have always proved, the implementation of measures and joint agreements in the field of municipal , provinces and islands. "
The text of the resolution noted that the hardness of the economic crisis calls for a joint response, without affecting the quality of basic public services and the rights of citizens. At the same time, warning that the evolution of financial and market pressures lead to risks of instability that can affect the confidence in our ability as a country to overcome the economic and financial problems arising from the crisis.
Also remember that the Government of Spain and those of neighboring countries have taken steps to address these risks, and in many cases these measures have enjoyed broad institutional endorsement and support of the most representative political forces embodied in agreements parliamentarians and the public expression of political views unequivocal.
The FEMP notes back support local governments responsible for the actions launched by the Government to reduce the deficit, "with criteria and strict austerity budget, which had not prevented to maintain the same level of quality basic public services, "and claims that this is the best way to support reforms in order to new production model based on innovation, economic and environmental sustainability and social cohesion.
Motion on Western Sahara
The FEMP shows his deep concern over the significant deterioration of the situation in Western Sahara and strongly condemns the violent incidents that occurred in Izik Agdaym camp when he was being dismantled, and the city of Laayoune.
This is the first paragraph of a motion, also unanimously agreed, in which representatives of Spanish Local Governments mourn the loss of life and express their solidarity with the families of the victims, the wounded and missing.
At another point, the FEMP declares the need to ask the United Nations bodies to propose the establishment of a mechanism for monitoring human rights in Western Sahara, and to provide sufficient information so that it can be carried out independent inquiry under UN auspices.
The text includes a demand to extend the mandate of UN mission in Western Sahara, MINURSO, and a call to the parties to "remain calm and refrain from conducting any further acts of violence" and for the solution to the conflict involves an essential step to building an open and democratic Maghreb.
On the other hand, regretted "the attacks against freedom of press and information that have suffered many European journalists" and calls on Morocco to allow free access of the press, independent observers and humanitarian organizations.
The FEMP send this agreement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Embassy of Morocco in Spain.
Volunteer Day
On the occasion of the celebration on December 5 International Volunteer Day, declared by the United Nations General Assembly, FEMP has appealed to all Spanish city to express publicly the commitment of local governments to solidarity and express support for the work of volunteers.
The motion approved by the Executive of the FEMP, to be distributed to all municipalities, calls for the citizens of each municipality to participate in the activities planned that day and, by extension, all to be convened during 2011 European Year Volunteer.
Cemeteries and crematoria
FEMP has also approved two model regulations for municipalities have regulatory criteria for municipal services for cemeteries and crematoria.
Both proposals build upon the principles of service delivery, leadership and management, the rights of consumers and users, claims, occupational health and vocational training, the application of services and level of sanitation and hygiene rates service. In the case of cremation, the model regulation includes specific issues such as the installation location, the celebration of social and religious rites or the deposit of ashes.
In another vein, the Executive has given its approval to the contents of several cooperation agreements, among which you will be signed with the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, in terms of reducing administrative burdens on Local Authorities and with the IDEA for the promotion of electric vehicles in Spanish municipalities.

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