Provides the platform for the promotion of rehabilitation, involving the FEMP

Central Government, States, FEMP, trade unions, employer associations, professional associations, financial institutions, CERMI and representatives of consumers and users, among others, comprise the Social Platform RHE +, recently established with the aim to facilitate and encourage the rehabilitation housing.

The Social Platform to promote rehabilitation, accessibility and energy efficiency of buildings and dwellings (RHE + Platform) is a forum which aims to involve all sectors and administrations involved in the rehabilitation, accessibility and efficiency energy buildings and houses already built.
The Minister of Housing, Beatriz Corredor, explained the importance of sending the message to society of everyone's commitment to rehabilitation, because the more sustainable future is in "close relationship with a model prime urban regeneration and urban expansion rehabilitation of homes, buildings and neighborhoods, with homes less polluting and more energy efficient, and, of course, more comfortable. "
Racer said it is promoting not only the sustainability of the building from the energy standpoint, but also from the economic point of view. He also recalled the "immense field of economic activity and generation of new jobs that offer urban regeneration and rehabilitation." As noted, for every million euros invested, will generate more than 50 jobs, therefore, "we have an obligation to seize this enormous economic potential" in a country where half the park built over 30 years old .
The Minister referred to the rehabilitation offices, and created in many cities, financed with the cooperation of all administrations and can be supplemented from the private sector. "These offices play a key role as a meeting between technical, business and citizens, providing direct assistance, and qualified staff," he added.
Finally he said "the scrupulous institutional loyalty" and coordination with the Autonomous Communities and municipalities, needed to achieve these objectives.
Commitments RHE + Platform

• Pay the grants provided in rehabilitation programs within two months after completion of the works.
• The creation of voluntary registers of approved companies RHE + to carry out rehabilitation works.
• Promote the licensing of minor works within a month and expedite the granting of licenses by using electronic means
• Creation of a dedicated web portal.
• Continue the training of employees, agents, technicians and companies on new technologies that make possible the rehabilitation.
• Building Rehabilitation Technical Offices in the Associations of Architects, Technical Architects and in those areas and neighborhoods where the schools and local councils consider necessary to improve the condition of the buildings and the quality of life of its inhabitants.
Members of the Platform
Ministries of Industry, Tourism and Trade (IDEA) and Health and Social Policy (CEAPAT), autonomous regions and cities, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the CCOO and UGT trade unions, employers and CEPYME CEOE, the Union of Professional and Self-Employed (UPTA), the Associations of Architects and Technical Architects, the National Confederation of Construction, the Federations of MCA-UGT and CCOO FECOMA ", the Construction Education Foundation, the Spanish Confederation of Associations Building Product Manufacturers, ICO, the Spanish Banking Association and the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks, the Federation of Associations of Consumers and Users, the Colleges of Property Managers, Schools of Real Estate Agents, the CERMI and Youth Council ..