The FEMP, in the 25 Anniversary of the National Drug Plan

The First Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, and the Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Leire Pajin, have presided over the ceremony commemorating the 25th anniversary of the creation of the National Drug Plan, which has had the presence of representatives of the FEMP, including the Secretary General of the Federation, Isaura Leal

FEMP's presence symbolizes the important role that Spanish local governments are playing in the implementation of drug prevention policies and care to those affected, in collaboration with the central government through the National Drug Plan. The ceremony also involved several mayors, like Lugo, Jose Clemente Orozco Pérez, and the Mayor of Gijón, Paz Fernández Felgueroso, among others.
Indeed, the Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Leire Pajin, said that the National Drug Plan "worked" because, among other things, our country has highly trained professionals with a good health care network, which grown thanks to the involvement of the autonomous regions and municipalities, with over 500 outpatient clinics, 50 hospital detoxification units and 130 TCs.
Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, meanwhile, highlighted the decline in the number of deaths caused by drugs accounted for by the Security Forces, indicating that in the last ten years the number of deaths has dropped from 302 to 9. In 1984, a year before the adoption of the Plan, the police data reflected 174 people killed by heroin, while last year put the figure of six.
Social integration policies, prevention and promotion of healthy recreational alternatives for young people and vulnerable groups are some of the actions carried out by local councils and other local entities. Furthermore, in the framework of the National Drug Plan, through the agreement signed with the government delegation to the Plan, the FEMP and local governments have allowed the allocation and coordinate programs and projects and implement initiatives of interest, them, the biannual call "Good practice in drug addiction" or database of municipal plans of Drug Addiction.