The President of the FEMP requires effective cooperation of all European governments to revive the economy and create jobs

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has called for effective cooperation of all European governments to achieve economic recovery and create jobs. First of Regional Policy Ministers meeting in the city of Malaga, has advocated the strategic role of local governments to achieve greater resource efficiency and achieve better results and asked them not to miss the capacity of municipalities and the vast network forming in Europe.

In his speech, has asked local governments are treated as ideal partners and not mere intermediaries "in the definition and implementation of Community policies and strategies.
Pedro Castro reiterated the commitment of Spanish Local Governments to contribute to economic recovery, "with our efforts, our resources and our ability to drive and leadership in the territory" and said it is essential to approximate the decision of the European Union of states to their final destination, the citizens. Therefore called for effective implementation of the principle of subsidiarity, explicitly recognized in the Treaty of Lisbon
Pedro Castro's words have been heard in the work session on Subsidiarity that has taken place within the framework of the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Regional Policy held on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union.
The Mayor of Getafe claimed the value of proximity of Local Governments in any strategy to achieve a multi-governance of the objectives underlying the meeting of Ministers of Malaga, and his contribution to the development and implementation of public policies, particularly territorial cohesion.
The President of the FEMP noted that municipalities are "the widest European public network and the only one that covers the entire territory" and therefore contribute strongly to social cohesion and the promotion and development of new sustainable production model, creative and solidarity "that all we want for Europe."
In its argument, said that local governments already have the responsibility to implement about 70% of EU legislation, a fact that "no accident" and that this reality requires adapting to institutional bodies and mechanisms of cooperation and collaboration .
This reality, according to Pedro Castro, reveals the "key" principle of subsidiarity to bring Europe closer to citizens and as essential reference "in the management and implementation of public policies.

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