The Government introduced the Food Safety Act

The Government has given the green light to the draft Food Safety Act which establishes a new framework for coordinating actions to ensure the safety of food under any circumstances, to protect the health of citizens and enhance their consumer rights. Cooperation between the different Public Administrations will be one of the main axes of the new law

The project provides a set of principles and reinforce the confidence of all stakeholders in the food safety system, implement prevention perspective and not finding, the continued strengthening of scientific resources, inter-administrative cooperation, intersectoral and international information permanent citizens.
The Act defines for the first time a uniform reporting system on food security for the exchange of data between practitioners, researchers and authorities and to provide more advanced knowledge in the field. At the same time, establishes the creation of a Spanish Network Control Laboratory Food Safety Officer, which will strengthen surveillance in all matters relating to food
For the first also introduced a Spanish law aspects related to promoting healthy eating habits and the prohibition of discrimination on obesity.
In addition, among other things, provides for the food industry will have to minimize the content of trans fats and not allow the sale of food and beverages in schools that fail to meet a number of nutritional criteria.

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