The FEMP declares its support for a ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces

The Spanish Network of Healthy Cities FEMP (RECS) has expressed its support to all measures taken in order to prohibit the consumption of snuff in confined spaces for public use and, in particular the amendment of the Law that the Government intends to undertake for this purpose.

The RECS has taken this position during their Annual Meeting taking place in Barcelona as part of a Symposium on Social Determinants of Health, coinciding with World No Snuff, which takes place next Monday, May 31 
The Spanish Network for Healthy Cities, Local Authorities comprising 155 Spanish, with a population of about 20 million people and is chaired by the Mayor of Sant Andreu de la Barca, Enric Llorca. 
The text adopted by the Red states: 
The consumption of snuff is one of the determinants of population health and causes of avoidable mortality. Die each year in Spain, some 50,000 people for their consumption and about 3,000 by exposure to smoke. 
The promotional programs and protection against damage caused by snuff constitute more than ten years, one of the priority action of the cities of the RECS. 
In this regard we express our strongest support to the Government's initiative designed to amend Law 28/2005 of health measures against smoking, which aims to make all indoor public use are smoke-free. This will result in protecting the health of all nonsmoking population, health workers, health of children and de-normalize the consumption of snuff.