Tragsa rewards the municipalities of Amoeiro, Elburgo, Puebla de Sanabria Puerto Lumbreras

The municipalities of Amoeiro (Ourense), Elburgo-Burgeluko Udala (Álava), Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora) and Puerto Lumbreras (Murcia) have won in the Third Edition Tragsa Group Award for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, which is aim to support and encourage policies and projects of local governments in this area. These councils will be endowed with 60,000 € for the project.

The jury ruled in favor of the four finalists from among 52 municipalities that were submitted to the contest. The selection criterion was the ability of these projects for sustainable development compatible with rural and conservation of the natural environment with the recovery of natural resources and heritage and cultural characteristics.

The winning proposals have been:

· "Harnessing traditional hydraulic hydroelectric potential in the mills of the" Fervenza do Cachon "(River Barbantiño)" City Council Amoeiro (Ourense).
· "Biolortu: creative workshops" of the City of Elburgo-Burgeluko Udala (Alava).
· "Recovery of the Mill" La Peña de la Cascade "and its environment, and recovery of the" Wounds to soak flax "in the Topic Center Robledo Iberian Wolf" of the City of Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora).
· "Rural Development Plan in the head of the Jara" the City of Puerto de Lumbreras (Murcia)
The jury has been composed Tragsa Group, the Social Work Tragsa Group, representatives of the FEMP and the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine.