Convention for the development of technology parks in the municipalities

The FEMP and the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the development of science and technology parks in the Spanish municipalities.

The agreement, signed by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and President of APTE, Felipe Romera, contemplates the exchange of information, collaboration on legislation and regulations and activities that promote scientific and technological development.
Pedro Castro said the signing of this agreement demonstrates the shared desire to work in the promotion and advancement of knowledge and technology, from the belief that technology parks, for its relationship with universities, research centers and companies, "are accomplices and allies essential for local governments, for the stimulation of economic development."
The President of the FEMP explained that it is "traffic order", work together to define the best location for each park and, in turn, to create synergies in the territories that allow the interaction of its activities with other sites Nearby business.
Pedro Castro stated that this is one of the most important conventions it has signed the FEMP, because it has to do with the economic investment in research and development, training and job creation.
One of the key actions will be collaboration on legislation and regulation, facilitating the operation and development of science and technology parks, and, in turn, collaboration with other public authorities for implementation. At the same time, seek to promote the environment necessary to create an industrial structure "solid and innovative. It is, as stated by Pedro Castro, to join efforts to create jobs and wealth and to emerge stronger from the crisis.
APTE President, for his part, said that Spain is one of the most active countries in the creation of technology parks and provided by the fact that at present there are 46 in operation and another 40 in progress, located in different municipalities of the 17 Autonomous Communities.
Felipe Romera said that the location of these parks in the municipalities is fundamental and therefore it is necessary to streamline processes and construction time, now takes about eight years. "This does not mean that there should be a park in each municipality," he said, but it is necessary to "further the barriers that exist" within an appropriate land use planning to encourage its implementation.


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