The call to obtain the sign

October 31 is the deadline for municipalities to submit applications to obtain the sign "City of Science and Innovation, an initiative to recognize and prestige to those consistories distinguished by its efforts in field of innovation and contribute in this way, by changing the production model.

The Secretary-General for Innovation, Juan Tomas Hernani, and Secretary of State for Regional Cooperation, Gaspar Zarrías have submitted the notice to obtain this mark will mean the automatic integration of the councils to do so in the Network of Cities Science and Innovation Network (INNPULSO) plus other benefits such as preferential consideration of these cities on the location of state scientific and technological infrastructure.
The call is part of the fourth pillar of the State Innovation Strategy, in particular, with which the Government aims to strengthen regional cooperation for the diffusion of innovation throughout the country and throughout the production network, with emphasis on SMEs.
To get the badge in 2010, the Ministry of Science and Innovation will give special consideration to those municipalities that have demonstrated a greater commitment to innovative projects from the State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability. With this fund, the municipalities have submitted 7,650 projects, 30% of the total, with a total investment of around 916 million euros.
The Secretary-General for Innovation, Juan Tomás Hernani, explicitly encouraged all municipalities to submit their application and the Secretary of State for Regional Cooperation, Gaspar Zarrías, stressed the importance of this network of cities which is to boost cooperation between administrations, "at a time when the priority is to get together a sustainable economic model." Zarrías has focused on the role of local councils, "which are those closest and most familiar with the needs of citizens."

Submission of applications
Applications for participation in this call and the documents associated with the application should be directed to the General Directorate of Technology Transfer and Business Development, and presented in Electronic Office telematically Ministry of Science and Innovation http://sede.micinn. gob.es through the Electronic Registry of the Ministry.

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